Our core value of Meaningful Impact is at the heart of how we approach every client:

'What is the REAL issue you are trying to solve?'. Together, we create a path to achievement. 

Rather than take our word for it, check out our testimonials!

Coach |  Workshop  Consult


"Kym’s guidance was nothing short of transformational for my career. In just over six months, I saw markedly positive changes not just in my abilities as a leader and teammate, but in my overall outlook and ability to manage stress and anxiety. I still carry those lessons and tools with me today and continue to grow as a leader, thanks to Kym. She’s relatable, supportive, but also assertive when the situation calls for it. I also really appreciated that she’s had a long, successful career as a woman who’s held many leadership positions, and who then pursued coaching–she understands the nuances of being a female leader and how to navigate those waters with confidence and authenticity."

- Anneliese | Consumer Goods Director, Brand Experience

“Kym is generous and supportive as a coach. I really enjoyed her engaging, warm approach that honors the whole person. Her unique blend of powerful questions and affirming comments/ insights worked well for me. She does not back down (in a good way) when faced with resistance and instead finds ways of opening up new paths. I'm grateful for the experience of coaching with Kym and highly recommend her as a coach.”

– Isabel  Health Care L&D Leader

“Kym was instrumental in helping me discover and hone my personal and unique brand which was foundational for me to reach my aspirations of completely shifting my career and life. This included a tailored approach that felt authentic and personalized to me. Kym accepts WHO and WHERE her clients are, adapting her style and often her methods/tools to create a fit for her clients. I am an internal processor and often arrive at the best next step for myself in a circuitous, multi-sensory manner. Rather than forcing me into a convention and process that would have felt unnatural, Kym locked into my pace and my needs. This made the self-discoveries and subsequent actions so much more powerful and sustaining. Kym is an avid seeker of new ways and knowledge in her field and this freshness is a differentiator, all in service of her clients. Her coaching style is approachable and fluid, I felt equally comfortable going deeper into a topic or requesting to shift into something different if I felt it would serve me. She makes self-advocacy easy.   If you are looking to radically shift your career path and willing to step outside your comfort zone, Kym is the person to connect with.

– Megan  Seasoned corporate professional turned Entrepreneur

“I was reeling from a layoff, divorce, the passing of my dad, and a move away from my 22-year home within a 3-year period.   Before these happened, I had what I believe was more than average success and knew how to excel in all areas of my life.  Yet with these four events I became fearful and stagnate. Kym introduced me to the concept that I was in an uncomfortable zone, which is an opportunity to grow.

Six months later rather than fearing going to work in a stagnate job that I really thought I was going to be released from any day, I now go in to the same job and lead a process and team which has gained me recognition from clients, all of top management, and co-workers providing me the confidence my career is back on track.  It also allows me to ACT on big-picture areas in my career outside my comfort zone.  On the personal side, it helps me see the specialness within me and gives me the confidence to chase those priorities which may be different than anyone else’s ideas of what matters, allowing me to be more authentic with my family and friends getting closer to them and giving me a richer life. With this development, I’m able to return to life’s journeys succeeding, living, and paying it forward."

– John  Sales Professional

“After decades in my industry, I started work for a firm that wanted to establish itself in a new geographical area. After a year in the position, my manager had a very “difficult” conversation with me where he shared uncertainty around my abilities to get the job done, questioning my approach while relaying his disappointment in my lack of performance. At the time, I was pretty floored, did not know what to do losing confidence and questioning my abilities as well!  I was referred to Kym who did a thorough assessment and we had a candid discussion of how I wanted to handle the situation. Kym was direct in her initial assessment and quickly pointed out some areas for me to work on due to my personality type. Kym’s thoughtful approach helped me view my work, clients, and professional relationships in a different way, which honed in on a key area of opportunity: “listen more, speak less…. At Kym’s suggestion to support this approach - and as a means to quiet excess “noise” rattling around in my head - I incorporated meditation. Through this work I established a routine before interactions to reinforce what I’ve learned, building new ‘muscles’ helping me in both normal and challenging situations. These improvements have turned around the concerns of my employer as I am now a relied upon member of the leadership team and the new office has grown and is performing well. The animosity between my manager is in the past and today our relationship functions more as peers.  This has also spilled over into my personal life and my spouse has commented on the improvement.  My confidence has been bolstered as I continue to face the challenges to be successful at work, and my personal life and relationships have noticeably improved thanks to Kym’s coaching.”

– Steve  |  Principal, Environmental Consulting Firm

“Kym helped me clarify my vision for 2016, and to deepen relationships with fellow coaches at a time when we were exploring our work together.  Kym's coaching is open and expansive. She guides coaching conversations to insights and outcomes that are deep, relevant and meaningful. She gets to the heart of what matters quickly, and adjusts well to the flow of coaching conversations to help unfold effective and meaningful strategies.”

– Lucy  |  Leadership Development Professional

This coaching experience has truly changed my life. I had hit a turning point ... I was burnt out and at a crossroads. I wanted to be passionate, excited about my career again —- leading and mentoring business innovation and innovative professionals. But, I was stuck in a downward trending ecosystem and covered in bruises from several years of toxic cultures focused on self-preservation, not breaking new ground. Kindly and honestly, with a focus on forward momentum, Kym coached me to a mindful reinvention. She got me back in my convertible with wind blowing through my hair, passion and exhilaration running through my veins again — surrounded by people I want to see every day, doing important work. Equipped with the tools and strength to actively detour around toxic cultures and people. Needless to say, more than worth every penny of the investment.

- Nannette | Tech Customer Solutions Leader

“Kym helped me clarify what I want and - when I got it! - she provided a kind reality check to make sure I was able to get the most benefit from it! I learned so much about myself from Kym's perfectly timed, compassionate questions and her amazing intuition in clarifying my wisdom (although it was buried under some less useful thought patterns). Kym is generous and wise with a treasure trove of real-world and business examples to inspire and useful frameworks to keep me focused. I know many coaches, and I picked Kym for a very vulnerable career transition point. Kym really empowered me to see what was important to me, quickly and with ease and confidence, using unique assessments and fun visualizations that will definitely continue to bring me inner peace. I really appreciate Kym's flexibility, articulateness and genuine interest in bringing me the resources I needed. “

– Violet | Scientist & Inventor

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We contracted with Pure Ambition to provide career transition support to a San Francisco based team since we were closing the office in that location.

As CHRO, my goal was to ensure that the group had the opportunity to gain the tools and resources to navigate and effectively launch their respective job searches.  Particularly challenging was the tight timeline we were operating within in order to set up the training and get it scheduled.  Pure Ambition rose to the occasion and engaged immediately, delivering a customized full day workshop that not only addressed the usual tactical aspects of the job search to include, resume design, networking, interviewing skills, but also assisted the participants with processing through the emotional aspects of the transition.  Even after the actual training, the Pure Ambition staff made themselves available for one-on-one coaching sessions and remained an extended resource for the impacted employees.

I found Pure Ambition’s approach to be uniquely engaging, relevant and applicable, while delivered with sensitivity and professionalism.  In fact, I have continued my communication connection with Kym Cadle and would clearly recommend Pure Ambition to others, but also use their services again without hesitation.”

– Kelly Bergeron  RentPath Chief Human Resources Officer

"Thank you!  Your exercise was a big hit! The CEO liked it so much he plans to go back and spend some time with the worksheet.

– Human Resources Leader


Extraordinary workshop, extraordinary leader. Kym's style naturally creates a space for self-discovery with tangible results I used immediately. She makes a challenging process simple by taking it one-step-at-a-time. She has a powerful professionalism that oozes respect, generosity and forward momentum. Her work should be mandatory for anyone in business today.”

– Beatrice Stonebanks  Business Development Specialist

"I did a lot of research and networking to find a team building resource that understood the uniqueness of the nonprofit enterprise and could quickly connect with our team members in a manner that would attract and engage them in transformative improvements. Pure Ambition's impact was immediate and lasting. As a result, I did not hesitate to reach out to them at my next employer for an even more difficult situation and once again they delivered! I am more than happy to recommend Kym as a true professional committed to her craft. Kym is a joy to work with, an added bonus to her focus on meaningful outcomes."

- Gene Kunde | Diabetes Hands Foundation Executive Director


“My team and I participated in the Mindful Leadership workshop curated by Kym. I found this workshop to be profoundly important. In a collaborative and engaging platform, Kym led us through the workshop leaving us having obtained an even greater level of Emotional Intelligence at its conclusion. Pure Ambition's content and approach were very refreshing, calming and worth exploring for any team. Kym is at the top of her game and I am very grateful for having crossed paths.”

- Dan DeMuro | Nutiva Regional Sales Manager

"Kym Cadle is masterful at bringing “awareness” to your everyday life and using it to elevate choices, behavior, and outcomes. She is a true teacher."

– Leslie Viles | Executive Assistant 

“No one would believe up front how transformational it could be.”

– Carol Savoy   Operations Leader 

This is the most useful and powerful professional development course I have taken.  It is a class that I will always look back on knowing how much I learned and how I can apply the lessons learned in both my professional and personal life.”

– Stretching into Mindful Leadership participant (via anonymous eval)

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In a word, Kym has been brilliant in helping uncover our values and purpose, then integrate them into the Mary Ann's culture, impacting both our leadership and overall workforce. She brings the unique ability to connect with all levels of the organization and cut to the core issues quickly and with singular insight. Her intelligence, experience, focus and professionalism has been like a breath of fresh air at Mary Ann's Baking Company.

– Roy Herman   Mary Ann's Baking President & GM

Working with Kym has been such a blessing both personally and professionally. I was (and still am) at a time and place in my career where I was ready to make a bigger impact on the people I work with and the organization that I lead. I was running into some barriers that felt insurmountable however I knew deep down that I had the skills necessary to achieve my lofty goals. Kym’s guidance came at the right time!

She worked with me through a lens of empathy and understanding and was always ready to meet me exactly where I was. She uses a holistic approach that considered everything and everyone involved. We began working on my individual leadership journey and style, then moved into the desired culture and goals I had in mind for my organization. Kym has guided my organization through a complete culture shift and holds me accountable to keeping the work alive each and every day. She has facilitated several leadership team meetings from my small Senior Management team as well as my large frontline management team of about 65 people. All the while, my individual coaching sessions have been my saving grace. I find myself anticipating our bi-weekly conversations so I can achieve clarity on whatever I may be dealing with. I leave those calls feeling re-energized and hopeful with a clear plan in place. Kym has guided me through several large projects including a compensation benchmarking study, policy development, leadership assessments and competency development.

My work with Kym has been nothing short of lifesaving this year and I cannot imagine my future without her in it. She is truly a strategic partner that has helped me to elevate my professional development to a level I didn’t think was possible this early in my career. Additionally, she has guided me and my team to one of the most productive and engaging years in my organization’s history. We are serving our clients and fulfilling our mission in such a way that makes all of our employees extremely proud. Thank you Kym for your hard work, dedication and partnership.

– Stacy Litteral   Kids' Country Executive Director

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